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Where is Beypazarı? How to go?

  Beypazarı is located in Ankara. It is possible to go to Beypazarı, which is 98 km away from the city center, by your private car. You can also reach Beypazarı by buses departing from the city center. For this, you need to take the Beypazarı buses departing from Ankara Intercity Bus Terminal and take a pleasant journey for about an hour.


  The name of Beypazarı, which was under the auspices of Byzantium at the time, is Lagania, which means rock peak. There are traces of ancient times in the lands where many states and nations such as Byzantium lived. According to what is known, states such as Ottoman, Seljuk, Byzantine, Roman, Phrygian and Hittite ruled in Beypazarı before. Finally, Turks continue their lives in Beypazarı and leave traces of their own culture. This historical place has been included in the World Heritage Tentative List by UNESCO in 2020.

  Let’s talk about Beypazarı’s unique architecture and beauties. It is a place to be loved as you walk around with its beautiful houses, mansions, and time-travelling streets. Especially its two- and three-storey mansions are among the structures that visitors to the region take the most pictures of. These mansions have a feature that distinguishes them from other mansions. In the upper part of Beypazarı houses, there is an area called cantı or gushgana. This area is reserved for the drying and preparation of winter food in the summer and for raising the families of the inhabitants. The fact that Gushganas are hot in summer and cold in winter is the reason why they are preferred by the locals for the preparation and storage of food. You may also notice that the houses are very close or even adjacent to each other while walking around. This represents the trust of families living in Beypazarı to each other and being a family.

  When you come to Beypazarı, there are a few places you can visit and visit. The first of these is Hıdırlık Hill. It is possible to see the whole Beypazarı from here. Another stop is Alaattin Sokak. In this street, you can try delicious local dishes and desserts and buy souvenirs. Let’s talk about a few local dishes that the visitors especially taste or buy. Tarhana, leaf wrap, yalkı, bici, eagle, dried Beypazarı, Beypazarı mineral water, Beypazarı casserole, bazlama, ogmaç, tohma, strip, urush closure, ebesüt, goce, parçem and carrot delight are among the local dishes we can recommend to you.

  Festivals and various events are also held in Beypazarı, which is visited by many local and foreign people every year. Traditional Historical Houses Festival, Handicrafts Festival and Carrot and Casserole Festival are held every year in June. During the festivals, local dishes and desserts are prepared, dance performances and many fun activities are provided for visitors to have a good time. It is known that approximately 110 thousand people came to the festival in 2006. If you are here in June, we definitely recommend you to come to Beypazarı.

Visiting Hours and Entrance Fees

  We recommend that you visit Beypazarı, which you can visit every day of the week, on Wednesdays and weekends. Because it is a more active and beautiful environment, especially these days.

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