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  Gynecomastia is the name given to breast enlargement that occurs as a result of irregular hormone levels in men. Usually this growth is benign. It occurs in one breast or both breasts. Gynecomastia is easily diagnosed as it can be easily distinguished from normal breast tissue. Having a harder structure than normal breast tissue, tenderness and pain in the breast, one breast being larger than the other, and palpable hard lumps are among the symptoms that lead to the diagnosis. Although this condition is usually painless, it causes panic in most people. Its diagnosis and treatment are carried out successfully today.

  As it is known, both men and women have estrogen and testosterone hormones. As the levels of these hormones are different in both sexes, some physiological differences arise. Since the estrogen hormone level is lower in men than in women, breast sizes are smaller. However, at certain times of life, gynecomastia develops as a result of increased levels of this hormone.

  It is more common in newborn babies, adolescence and advanced age. Although it does not pose any risk in terms of health, it is a condition that affects the person psychologically and socially. This situation can lead to self-confidence and anger problems and posture disorders, especially in men who are just starting to get to know their bodies and themselves in adolescence.


  First of all, it is necessary to pass some examinations and tests in order to make the diagnosis. After making sure that the complaints do not belong to any malignant type of cancer, the treatment options for gynecomastia are explained to the patient. Gynecomastia, in addition to being caused by hormonal changes, can also occur as a result of long-term drug use, past diseases, some supplements used by athletes, some cosmetic products and obesity. For this reason, first of all, what caused the condition should be investigated in detail, and a medical history should be taken from the patient.

  After the cause is determined, a treatment plan is made for it. According to the size of the tissue; The patient is followed up every 6 months in tissues measuring 1-2 cm. If the patient’s age and systemic condition are appropriate, the situation is supported by drug therapy. However, in cases where the tissue is larger than 6-7 cm, it should be surgically removed as a clear solution.

  The content of the tissue is important in patients to be operated. Liposuction methods are frequently used in cases where the adipose tissue is excessive. However, in case of palpable hard masses, Mastectomy operation is performed. In this procedure, incisions are made under the breast and the mammary gland is surgically removed.


  Depending on the underlying cause, gynecomastia is a condition that sometimes goes away on its own and sometimes needs to be intervened. It should be treated in men who are in the adolescence period, over 60 years of age, using steroids and their derivatives, and have some systemic disorders.

The main advantage of gynecomastia surgery is that the breast tissue does not grow again, even if weight is gained in the long term as a result of removing fat tissue from the area. Since the damage to the surrounding tissue is minimal in surgeries performed with liposuction methods, a rapid recovery is achieved after the operation. At the same time, after this procedure, there is no scar that will create an aesthetic problem.

  Gynecomastia surgery is a simple and painless operation. However, there is a minimal risk of complications that may occur in every surgery. Risk of infection, excessive bleeding, prolonged swelling are among the very rare risks. In addition, although the risk of developing gynecomastia after the operation is quite low, failure to eliminate the factor that causes this ailment creates the risk of reoccurrence.


  It is important for the patient to follow the advice given by the doctor after the operation. After this procedure, which is performed under general or local anesthesia, it is normal to experience pain, tenderness and edema in the area. Wearing the corset for the time and manner recommended by the doctor accelerates the healing process and the adaptation of the tissues.

  After the operation, it is inconvenient to lift heavy objects and do high-tempo sports. However, people easily return to their social life within a few days.

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