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What is Hedonic Hunger?

What is Hedonic Hunger?

What is Hedonic Hunger?

Hedonic hunger is the state of consuming food for pleasure without the need for energy. There were two systems for food consumption in the human body: Homeostatic Hunger and Hedonic Hunger. In the homeostatic hunger system, it is the consumption of food only to meet the biologically necessary energy needs. The feeling of hunger that occurs as a result of the decrease in the glucose level in the blood is homeostatic hunger, it is a physiological and normal condition. These two systems work together in human nutrition. The taste and other sensory properties of foods create the desire to eat foods which is hedonic hunger. Hedonic hunger, also known as emotional hunger, is one of the main causes of obesity today. Apart from biological hunger, the desire to consume delicious foods causes the body to consume foods that it does not need, and as a result of this situation, weight gain and obesity are observed. Consumption of delicious and caloric foods frequently due to hedonic hunger causes many diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

How Does Hedonic Hunger Occur? How Can We Understand Its Symptoms?

Hedonic hunger occurs when the desire to eat foods increases due to the taste, smell and other sensory properties of foods without the need for biological energy. Hedonic hunger usually occurs against foods that are pleasing in taste, smell, texture, appearance, and pleasurable to eat. Despite feeling full after dinner, the desire to eat sweets can be given as an example of hedonic hunger. Another condition that can create hedonic hunger is emotional triggering. In situations such as stress, insomnia, sadness, unhappiness, it can be seen that the desire to consume foods for the purpose of getting pleasure so hedonic hunger occurs. An example of this is the desire to eat sweets on days when one feels unhappy or stressful, and the sweet crises experienced. Another factor that creates hedonic hunger is that the constant consumption of sweet and fatty foods activates the reward mechanism in the brain and releases dopamine. Frequent consumption of delicious foods causes the brain to become saturated with dopamine and as a result, its sensitivity decreases. Therefore, in order for the brain to release enough dopamine and reach the pleasure threshold, it desires to eat more sweet and fatty foods.

How Can Hedonic Hunger Be Prevented? What Should Be Done to Prevent Hedonic Hunger?

There are many different methods to prevent hedonic hunger. The most important factor in the prevention of hedonic hunger is to find the root cause of hunger. For this reason, Psychologist support is a very effective method in the treatment of hedonic hunger. In addition to the support of a psychologist, it is extremely important to get support from a nutritionist. Hedonic hunger is also associated with eating behaviour disorders, so it is possible to treat hedonic hunger with a correct nutrition program created by a nutritionist. Another method that can prevent the occurrence of hedonic hunger is to stay away from situations that stimulate the hunger center. Activities and situations that encourage frequent snacking should be avoided. Controlling hedonic hunger is extremely important. In cases where hedonic hunger is not controlled, involuntary eating is seen despite being full. Consistently eating food other than biological energy needs causes calorie intake and weight gain more than daily calorie needs. If this weight gain is not stopped, it can cause obesity and many systemic diseases.

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