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Nausea Reflex

Nausea Reflex


What is the Nausea Reflex?

This reflex is a precaution that is taken by body to prevent choking. Nausea reflex can be seen due to reasons such as pregnancy, reflux, stress and trauma. It is a very common situation, usually when going to the dentist. Stress can be caused by the dentist, noise-making tools, and fear of the couch. Stress causes nausea and an accompanying nausea reflex. Because the reason for nausea is completely due to the person’s own fears. Sometimes, the nausea reflex is stimulated in patients, especially when taking impression from the maxilla, since the palate is also included in the impression. There are various precautions to prevent vomiting. We will mention about these precautions. 

What Causes Nausea Reflex?

Many factors are effective in the formation of the nausea reflex. It is usually psychological, but there may be other causes as well. Nausea reflex may occur due to pregnancy, reflux, brain problems, taking foreign objects into the mouth, trying to swallow large foods and stimulating some areas in the mouth. When areas such as the uvula, floor of the mouth, tonsils, and soft palate are affected in the mouth, a gag reflex occurs. For example, when a prosthesis is to be made on the maxilla, when an impression is wanted to be taken, if the impression material is too fluid, the gag reflex is stimulated. Because the impression material affects the soft palate and the tissues under it, and a gag reflex occurs.Fear of the dentist, previous traumas, the sounds of the instruments used, the dental chair, the taste of instruments and gloves are the psychological factors that cause the gag reflex.

Why brushing The Teeth Causes Gag Reflex?

One reason for experiencing nausea while brushing teeth is that some people have an overly sensitive nause reflex. As soon as a brush is inserted into the mouth, it can start to feel nauseous. Also, too large brushes can cause gag reflex. If you have such a problem, first you should change your brush with a small headed-toothbrush or a toothbrush for children. It is possible to prevent nausea due to toothbrushing. Apart from using a smaller toothbrush, you can use toothpaste that tastes good and doesn’t make you sick. You can use smaller amount of toothpaste. Toothpastes that do not contain SLS, which causes the paste to foam, can be preferred. You can start the brushing from anterior teeth than brush posterior teeth. Rinsing the mouth with cold water will also reduce the gag reflex. 

Does Tooth Filling Trigger Nausea Reflex?

If the filling tooth is in the posterior region and the patient’s nausea reflex is extremely sensitive, the nausea reflex may be triggered.During the treatment, attempts are made to prevent the nausea reflex in various ways. The patient is distracted by talking or listening to music. Breathing through the nose instead of breathing through the mouth reduces nausea. Gargling with salt water before the treatment, sprays administration at the throat area and using sedative drugs prevent occurrence of the nausea reflex. 

Do Prosthesis Trigger Gag Reflex?

Nausea reflex occurs while prostheses are being made, especially when taking impression from the maxilla.To prevent this, the patient is seated upright and his head is tilted slightly forward.He is asked to breathe through the nose. Various movements are made to distract his attention. When the prostheses are ready, a nausea reflex may occur in the first few weeks in prostheses that are generally used for the upper jaw. The reason of this is taking the foreign material in the mouth. Over time, the mouth gets used to the prosthesis and the nausea reflex disappears.

How Can Be Done To Prevent Nausea Reflex?

-Breathe through the nose instead of breathing through the mouth.

-Applying pressure to an area of the body, called acupressure, is one of the fastest ways to prevent the nausea reflex. Usually the thumb is clenched. Pressure is applied to the palm so that the thumb is under the other fingers.

– Squeeze the stress ball

-Trying not to think about nausea. The best way to do this is to divert attention to other matters. You can watch videos or listen to music.

-Making various movements especially during dental treatment is distracting. Lifting one leg and trying to stand that way. Doing the same for the other leg when tired prevents the nausea reflex.

-Gargling with salt water reduces nausea. Nausea can also be prevented by putting some salt on the tip of the tongue.

-Nausea reflex can be made insensitive. For this, you should find the place in the mouth that triggers the nausea reflex. Using a toothbrush, it is slowly moved towards the back of the tongue and the trigger location is found when gagging occurs.For several days, this area is brushed for 15-20 seconds. When the brush touches this area over time and there is no nausea, the brushed area is enlarged backwards.If it is done continuously, the nausea reflex will be prevented.

– Spraying the throat area with sprays to reduce nausea or applying local anesthesia also prevents the nausea reflex.

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