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How Is Unshaven Hair Transplantation Done?

How Is Unshaven Hair Transplantation Done?

How is unshaven hair transplantation done?

  Unshaven hair transplantation is a method developed to prevent social and psychological problems that can be experienced in normal hair transplantation. In almost 95% of hair transplants, the hair is cut completely. However, in this application, hair transplantation is performed without cutting the hair. For this reason, it is a method frequently preferred by women who do not want to cut their hair. Unshaven hair transplantation can be done without cutting any of the hair or by cutting a part of it. Partial unshaven hair transplantation is mostly preferred. Partial unshaven hair transplantation is applied without cutting all the hair, usually by cutting only the nape area. This process can be applied up to approximately 3000 grafts, more hair may need to be cut. For this reason, it is actually a more suitable option for those with hair thinning in certain areas such as the forehead and vertex (the area known as the top of the head). Treatment can be applied without shaving the hair in patients who have hair loss problems and therefore hair gaps in the upper part of the head. It is a process that requires more expert knowledge and takes longer.

  Unshaven hair transplantation provides great comfort to the patient in the post-procedure process. Since hair transplantation cannot be seen from the outside, the patient can easily continue his social life. This method is very advantageous, especially since female patients generally do not like to have their hair cut. In addition, the appearance of scars after the procedure may disturb the person in business life. It is a process that can be completed in secrecy without causing any psychological negativity. With unshaven hair transplantation, natural and lush hair can be achieved without suffering from pain or deprivation of social life.

Which method is used? How does the process work?

  First, the necessary evaluations are made by the specialist doctor and the hair transplant line is determined in the areas to be transplanted. At this stage, the patient is informed about the treatment plan and possible complications. Then the hair is sterilized and the area where the hair follicles will be collected is anesthetized with anesthesia. Hair follicles are collected from the area opened as a 2-4 cm window in the nape area.  Then, micro channels are opened in the area to be transplanted according to the number of grafts and the direction of the existing hair. At this stage, the angle of the channels, the direction of the hair and the distance between the hairs should be adjusted with great care. Otherwise, undesirable results may occur. In the last stage of hair transplantation, the roots taken from the nape are integrated into the existing hair. The specialist doctor places the roots in the required areas according to the angle of the canals according to the determined plan. Then, PRP treatment is applied to the area to strengthen the integration of the hair follicles and it is closed by dressing.

How soon does it heal? What should be considered?

  After the procedure, the patient is discharged on the same day. In the first week, scars and redness can be hidden by covering with hair. As the scabs heal and disappear at the end of 1 week, the patient can continue his daily life without hesitation of scars. Since hair transplantation is performed with a limited number of roots in a small area, the healing process proceeds faster. In terms of care, a similar process is experienced with other hair transplantations. The doctor will explain how the hair should be washed and the products that should be used.

  However, since this procedure is a treatment without cutting the hair, it has a disadvantage compared to shaved hair transplantation. Since the treated area will be surrounded by hair, it will be more humid and more open to infection. For this reason, extra attention should be paid to hygiene after unshaven hair transplantation.

  New hair starts to grow in about 3 months, there is a visible increase in the 6th month. Although it differs from person to person, the main result of the treatment is seen at the end of 1 year. The hair that comes out with hair transplantation is no different from your own hair, you can shape and lengthen it as you wish.

  There are issues to be considered about 10 days before the operation. It is necessary not to drink alcohol, not to consume beverages such as energy drinks, herbal tea, green tea, coffee. In addition, if blood thinners are used, their use should be suspended, and if vitamin supplements are taken, they should be discontinued.

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