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What is Oxygen Hair Transplantation?

What is Oxygen Hair Transplantation?

What is Oxygen Hair Transplantation?

Hair loss is the absence of hair as baldness on the entire scalp or in a particular area. It can develop due to many factors such as diet, vitamin deficiency, stress, hormonal irregularities, genetics. Hair loss, which is more common with advancing age, can sometimes be seen in young people due to genetic structure. Hair loss causes an aesthetically undesirable appearance in both women and men. Since the person has an aesthetically unhealthy appearance, this situation also manifests psychologically. The lack of hair causes a loss of self-confidence and affects the social life significantly. If the person is uncomfortable with this situation, he is treated with one of the hair transplantation methods and regains his old healthy appearance.

Oxygen hair transplant treatment is an up-to-date hair transplant method that has become popular today and has proven itself with success. It has a shorter recovery time and higher success compared to known hair transplantation methods. The reason for this is the application of oxygen therapy to the area to support hair transplantation. The displaced hair follicles must breathe comfortably in order to settle and adapt to the area. Thanks to oxygen therapy, hair follicles can hold their new place more easily and can fulfill their task. Since the blood circulation in the area is accelerated, the stem cells stay alive for a longer time. In this way, hair that has been exposed to intense oxygen grows healthier and stronger. Normally, the healing process after hair transplantation is shortened by almost half in the oxygen hair transplantation method.

Who can Oxygen Hair Transplantation be Applied to?

Permanent hair loss due to genetics, diseases or ringworm can be treated with this method. It can be applied to anyone who has hair loss problems, whether young or old, male or female. It can be applied not only in the complaint of hair loss, but also in order to cover the scars in the area. Oxygen hair transplantation treatment can be preferred, especially in order to camouflage the remarkable burn scars. There may be some special cases where treatment is not considered appropriate. In this case, the doctor should be consulted and the decision should be made accordingly.

How is It Done? How Does the Process Work?

Efficient hair follicles taken from the patient are strengthened by keeping them in the nutrition liquid. In the meantime, while the patient is resting, specialists make the necessary checks. Then, oxygen therapy is started, which lasts about 15 minutes. After the oxygen support in the application area is increased, the hair transplantation phase is started. Before starting the transplantation, the doctor determines the front hairline of the patient and the areas that do not contain muscle on the face. Then it places hair follicles in these areas. After this procedure, which is painless and painless with local anesthesia, patients can continue their daily lives normally in a short time. After the procedure, controls are made by keeping in touch with the physician for the first 10-15 days. Afterwards, a natural and healthy hair appearance is achieved in approximately 6 months.

What Should be Considered?

It is necessary not to neglect the doctor’s check-ups in the first 15 days after the procedure and then every 6 months. The doctor may prescribe medication or recommend special shampoos, hair care products, and care lotions when deemed necessary. Care should be taken to use them regularly.

Bandages are removed 2-3 days after the operation under the supervision of a physician and are not reattached. Bandages should not be left on for a long time as they will restrict the breathing of the hair follicles. Another sensitive issue is the first wash. The hair should be washed gently with the appropriate shampoo recommended by the physician without damaging the hair follicles. It is useful to apply sensitive and careful movements while washing the hair for a while. Avoid using tools such as hair dryer and straightener for a few months.

After hair transplantation, it is recommended to sleep on your back for a while. If you lie on the treated area, swelling may occur, but this will usually go away within a few days as it is caused by edema.

It is necessary to protect the treated area from environmental factors while going out. You can go out by wearing a hat after the 5th day, as it may be adversely affected by the sun or rain. A hat that does not disturb should be chosen, the treated area should not be touched too much. During the healing process, environments such as pools and baths should be avoided against a possible risk of infection.

It is best to reset alcohol and cigarette consumption after hair transplantation. Consumption of these products should be limited so that the capillaries and blood rich in oxygen and vitamins can easily reach the hair follicles. At the same time, the diet should be such that it meets the need for vitamins and minerals.

Another factor that can negatively affect the healing process is sweating. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid activities that cause sweating, such as sexual intercourse and heavy sports. During this period, light-paced non-sweating walks may be preferred.

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