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  Balıklıgol is a pond known as the place where Hz. Ibrahim was thrown into the fire. It is 150 meters long, 30 meters wide and 3.5 meters deep. Balıklıgöl, which consists of Ayn-zeliha and Halil-ur Rahman lakes, has a great importance in terms of tourism. Balıklıgöl, one of the first places that comes to mind when Urfa is mentioned, has great spiritual value in terms of religion and mythology. Balıklıgöl, which is visited by local and foreign tourists every year, experiences its most crowded times during periods such as holidays. When you come to the Balıklıgöl you can visit Urfa Castle, Balıklıgöl Statue, the cave where Hz. Ibrahim lived and the Halilurrahman Mosque.

  Fishes considered sacred in the Islamic world swim in the lake. It is believed among the people that because the fish in the lake is sacred, those who eat it will get sick or something bad will happen to them. The fish in the lake is a species of mustache carp, and the caviar of this species can poison the human body. Until the 1970s, swimming in the lake was allowed and swimming competitions were held, but later on, fishing and swimming in the lake were prohibited. It is free to feed the fish by throwing food.

  You can buy products specific to the Urfa region in the bazaar around Balıklıgöl, and you can shop for spices in the Spice Bazaar.


  Balıklıgöl, one of the most important tourism spots of Urfa, is located in front of Urfa Castle in the city center. Access to Balıklıgöl, located within the borders of Eyyubiye district in the northwest of Şanlıurfa, is very easy. Balıklıgöl can be reached from anywhere in the city. It can be reached by following the Balıklıgöl signs after coming to Eyyubiye district by private vehicle. After arriving in the city center with the city buses and minibuses going to Eyyubiye, you can go to Balıklıgöl with a short walk or by taxi. It is 35 kilometers from airport and 2 kilometers from the bus station.


  It hosted the legend between Hz Ibrahim and King Nemrut. King Nemrut was persecuting the people and forcing them to worship idols. When a soothsayer said that one of the boys born that year would kill him and take the throne, Nemrut decides to have the boys born that year killed. Hz. Ibrahim’s parents take him to a cave near Urfa Castle and leave him there. According to the legend,Hz. Ibrahim raised a gazelle. One day, the soldiers of Nemrut, who went hunting, catch Hz. Ibrahim in the forest and take him to Nemrut.Nemrut adopts and raises the Prophet Abraham. As the prophet Abraham grew, he could not stand Nemrut’s persecution and worship of idols. One day, he smashes the idols in the temple with an ax and hangs the ax around the neck of the biggest idol. Seeing this, Nemrut goes crazy. He knows that a piece of stone cannot do it himself. Blames Ibrahim. In contrast, Hz. Ibrahim tells that it is absurd that these idols, which were built by human hands and cannot even protect themselves, can not protect people. King Nemrut then orders the Prophet Abraham to be burned in front of the people. He lit a big fire with wood at the place where the Halil-ur Rahman lake is today. Prophet Ibrahim was thrown into the fire from the top of the Urfa Castle. At that time, by the command of Allah, wood turns into fish and fire turns into water, and Hz. Ibrahim falls into a rose garden. According to rumors, Zeliha, the adopted daughter of Nemrut,because he loved Ibrahim very much and believed in him, he jumped into the fire after the prophet. The place where Zeliha jumped is known as Aynzeliha Lake today. According to another rumor, Aynzeliha Lake was formed from Zeliha’s tears.

According to scientific data and historical findings, these pools are actually pagan temples built for the Goddess Atargatis. Similar pools, which are thought to have been built between 1000-300 BC, are also found in Israel, Syria and Lebanon. The pools here are also dedicated to the Goddess Atargatis and it is forbidden to touch the fish in them.


  Balıklıgöl is open to visitors every day and hour of the week. You can visit for free, no museum card or ticket required. We recommend you to visit Urfa, especially in the spring, when high temperatures are seen in summer.

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